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  • Tori Madison

Weather Girl - Rachel Lynn


I had high hopes for this book, but it wound up just kind of falling in the middle.


-Absolutely loved the authors note in the beginning explaining how not all depression looks and feels the same and how she gave trigger warnings and resources.

-I liked Ari, the MC. Her mental health struggles were relatable, especially her worry of not wanting to burden Russell with her depression and anxiety

-I liked Russell’s daughter, she was spunky and sweet


-Honestly, this book just felt a bit forgettable to me. It was missing the spark and unfortunately didn’t fully land with me

-Russell just didn’t do it for me. I felt like he was just lacking interest and was a little boring

-The ending felt a little ~too~ perfect and far fetched. There were far too many setups for it to be believable

Weather Girl was cute, but nothing I’m running back to reread. It felt more like an in-between book to read.


3.5/5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️💫


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