This book was on my TBR for probably close to 4 years - I kept adding it to my cart to buy and then taking it out. I finally decided to jump in and I wish I could say it lived up to the hype in my mind. It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t my favorite read.
-The second half picked up a bit but the first was just too much unneeded conversation
-None of the characters were particularly interesting
-This book dove into some concepts that were really interesting. Specifically how in death people often regret the choices they made through their life
-It was kind of a tedious read with a lot of characters that didn’t seem to have too much importance. The whole story was based on the question of if you could have five people dead or alive at a dinner party, who would you choose? And while I loved this concept, half of the five people the MC chose seemed like they had no reason or point to being there. I kept waiting for this big reveal at the end with all of this emotion, but it just never came
This is one where I liked the concept, but sadly didn’t love the execution. I’ve read other books by Serle though and really liked them!
3/5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️