This was such a sweet read. It beautifully showed the complexity of relationships. Tackling how some relationships end because you’re not meant to be, some end tragically, and some are a means to finding the right person. It also explored forgiveness and family dynamics beautifully.
-I loved every character in this book. They all had great character growth and were just all around likable
-Wren’s rocky relationship with her dad, step-mom, and half-sister were a big plus for me. I loved the complexity of their relationships and how each side saw things so differently growing up. It highlighted the struggles a child of divorce faces nicely. It was heartwarming to watch them rebuild their relationship
-Anders was such a stand-up guy going through a really terrible situation and handling it with grace
-I absolutely loved Jonas and Bailey’s friendship
-I wish we got more of Anders’ point of view - I think his storyline would have packed more of a punch if we had
I really enjoyed this book, but at some points it lacked the umph I expected. I still teared up at points and highly recommend it!
Thank you Netgalley, Paige Toon and Penguin Group Putnam, G.P. Putnam's Sons for the opportunity to review this book!
4/5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️