Oh wow. This book made me feel ~everything~. Emily Henry is magical - that’s the only explanation for how she can make her readers feel so seen and understood in each and every book.
I have my own version of Harriet’s “Happy Place” with people I only see once a year who I love with my whole heart and this book made me absolutely terrified to lose that place.
-Wyn and Harriet’s emotions were so big and Henry made you feel every sharp pain and longing feeling they felt
-The alternating chapters between Harriet’s “happy place” and “real life” were a nice juxtaposition and added so much context to both Harriet and Wyn’s relationships and also to the friendships - which were just as important to the storyline
-The theme of young adult friendships transitioning into adult friendships and the turbulence that comes with that change was so beautifully and accurately written that it hurt a little
-Henry read every struggling mid 20’s person like a fucking book. No one knows what they’re doing - no one has all three categories (career, relationship, & friendships) figured out and if they look like they do, trust EH, they don’t.
This book hit close to home in more ways than one. It made me laugh, it made me cry, and it made me feel understood. I beg you to please read this book.
Thank you Emily Henry for making me feel ~everything~
5/5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️♾️