emotional, infertility, then & now

CoHo re-read #2
I forgot how much raw emotion was in this book and I’m so happy I gave it a reread. This is such an honest and emotional read and had me sobbing through it for a second time.
-The then and now recounting of this story was beautiful. Getting to watch Graham and Quinn fall in love while simultaneously fall apart was a whiplash to the heart
-As someone who has never gone through Quinn’s struggles, Hoover did a phenomenal job making you empathize with her feeling of heartbreak and hopelessness
-The way in which the demise of the relationship progressed from avoidance to the “divorce dance” felt so real. You could physically feel the pain and mental anguish
-In both the then and now you could feel how much love Quinn and Graham loved each other and how much they only wanted happiness for each other, even if it was at the expense of their own
-The only thing I didn’t like about this book was Graham’s mistake. It felt incredibly out of character
This book broke my heart and slowly pieced it back together. I highly recommend looking at trigger warnings, but I truly think this CoHo’s best work and couldn’t recommend it more.
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️